
By beckie

Child hood dreams

Tylers obsession with the red arrows continues
He has a book about them and a Corgi Model (pictured) and has studied both at length, and has found a couple of things on the model that are not quite as the pictures in the book are... quite scary the detail he sees sometimes!!

He's said that one day, when he grows up, he wants to be a red Arrow 'driver'. He used to want to be a police man and catch the baddies, but saw something on the news that has put him off! Then he wanted to be builder, and build mummy a nice big house! But has recently gone off that idea, as he figured that it'd be quite hard work, and thinks he'd get more money being a "driver of a red arrow"

Makes me wonder what other dreams he has, and what he'll actually do when he is older. who knows... i'm 27 and still not sure! lol!

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