
By NellyO


I've posted the brussels from the allotment here before, but I'm doing it again because I'm really pleased with their progress. I suspect we'll have a frost this week, hopefully they will respond well (apparently the frost makes them less bitter). If you visit us around Christmas/New Year, I suspect the chances of you at least eating brussels, if not leaving with a bag of them are probably quite high!

We harvested most of what was left, with the exception of some broccoli which we'll leave till next week. I got a fair bit of broccoli which had flowered while we were away, I cut off all the flowered bits so hopefully what is left will go into bigger broccoli hearts for next time. I also harvested all the oriental leaves, we have left a couple of inches on each plant in the hope that they might regrow next year (if not we've not lost anything, but it's worth a try!), and Pete dug up all the remaining potatoes. A handful of them were a bit grub-eaten so have been chucked, but we still have enough for probably a couple of weeks so I'm pleased with that. And I picked 3 purple radishes too, at least 2 of which look edible.

The autumn sown garlic I planted a few weeks ago is now coming up, and I also spotted a couple of autumn-sown runner beans. I've no idea if they'll come to anything, but I will just let them get on with it and see what happens. Apart from that there's just the brussels left to harvest (December/January), and the digging of the final bit of the plot. And then we get to do it all again next year (hopefully with a bit more of an idea of what we're actually doing this time!).

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