jez' pics

By snappinjez

Nick Matthew 3 times world champion

Ok going a record on the most shite pic I can post. But it doesn't matter cos this is Nick Matthew the new 2013 world squash champion. Just watched a totally electrifying final between him and Gregory Gaultier on squashtv. It was screen on the bbc on the red button.
I had to watch the first game on the bbc is the feed was down on squashtv and all the complaints and vitriol that they were getting from around the world via twitter and FB was pretty entertaining, though not for the guys trying to fix it I should imagine.
So when they were back on line I switched to them cos the commentating is fantastic and the bbc was aiming it's commentating at explaining the rules way too much for liking.
Still it's great for squash that the bbc showed it and it was an amazing match. Still reeling from it.

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