is what it is

Requesting that something be done by the end of the day when completion of the something is marked by directly emailing the something to some other people ready for them to glance at briefly in the morning (with the option to later glance at it again before asking some silly questions without reading through it thoroughly to check that the silly question is not already sensibly answered) is one thing; requesting that someone be completed by the close of business when completion is marked by the requestor doing something is fine as long as the requestor remains present in the workplace until the close of business and refrains from fucking off home a good hour before close of that particular bit of business is achieved. Fortunately when I finally got round to completing the task of the first type the task of the second type turned out to be nice and quick but it still could only have been completed after the task of the first type which involved a colleague equally anxious to get home and not build up too much more excess time. I fully expect to be beset by the requestor of the piece of work of the second type quite early tomorrow morning but shall be better able to resist exasperation at the beginning of the day which will be bisected and significantly shortened by a spicy lunch. There might be the mild annoyance of a team meeting in the afternoon to slightly reduce the time available but only by half an hour; a repeat of the might-as-well-have-jogged scurry required last month should not be necessary.

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