THE KEY ........ (backblip)

....... to being able to take photos of what you see when you are out is to have:

1: Camera ...... check!
2: Memory card ........ check!
3. Battery with charge ....... oops!
4: Spare fully charged battery ....... oops!

This is the only photo I managed to take while we were out today ....... guess who forgot to check the battery before leaving? Guess who forgot to take the spare battery? You've got it! ME!!!! I'm a numpty!

We went along a stretch of river bank that we had not been to before. We saw lots of different birds including ...... kestrels..... buzzards ..... a family of Cormorants (2 adults, 2 juveniles) ....... swans & cygnets ....... tufted ducks & herons!!!! I could have had lots of lovely photos to show for the afternoon ........ bet I won't forget to check again!!!

So this is today's offering ....... do hope you like it :-)

Thanks so much for dropping by :-)

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