A glorious day

It started with the first frost of the winter and mist over the hills, but we could see that a sunny day lay ahead. So, we abandoned everything and set out for the sea. We decided to go to St Bees, a place we used to go to quite regularly, but hadn’t been to for a long time.

It’s on the west coast and the starting point for the Coast to Coast Walk. It also has the largest caravan park I’ve ever seen. But today it was quiet and beautiful. There were just a few people about enjoying the sunshine. And sunny it was - fabulous. We walked and sat and had ice cream. Then we decided to wait for the sunset, which was lovely. Not something I can blip very often, in fact I think the last sunset I blipped was in New Zealand. But it seemed to sum up the day well.
I’m not sure we will get many more days like this, but we were certainly glad we had gone out to make the most of this one.

The island in the distance is the Isle of Man.

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