Life's tangled skein

By atp

Forth Valley in HDR

I came across thsi viewpoint when I got slightly lost on a lunchtime run, but I did enjoy the vista. To be honest, the photos that I took when I came back slightly disappointed me, hence the conversion to HDR to try to recover some interest from the picture.

Anyway, here we are looking north across the Forth Valley. In the background, the Ochil Hills with Ben Cleuch at the left hand side. Only barely visible, about one-third of the way in from the left, is the Kincardine Bridge, and its young sibling, the Clackmannanshire Bridge. On the extreme right, the notorious Longannet power station, which is the reason why the northern bank of the river seems to be hosting a pylon convention.

Closer to hand, the large building on the right near the bottom of the picture is the local high school.

And houses. Lots of houses!

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