The Rambling Path

By MuddyFox


Travelled back to Aber after a wonderful weekend in the Steel City of Sheffield!

Came on the train from Aber on Friday morning and spent the remainder of the day with my parents, with a quick visit to my Sheffield gran. Then Saturday, went up to Beverley to see my mum's mum there. Had a really awesome day just enjoying being in my grans company and taking in all the childhood memories from round the house. Then back to Sheff on Saturday night and early (ish...) to bed before the Nautilus Underwater Hockey tournament on Sunday!

Got there a little bit late and had to jump straight in the pool. Soon discovered that the team (Pembroke) were not in the best conditions... We were down three of our top players, our captain (Nick) had had food poisoning the night before and consequently he, nor his roommate Emma had had much/any sleep... Another teammate (Patrick) was also feeling rough. I'd injured my achilles at the Original Mountain Marathon (OMM) the previous weekend, and another had issues with their wrist. All together we must have been a bit of a laugh to see! Still, we didn't come last!! Really really enjoyed the day with them - great team - feels like I've known them for years! Had a chilled out evening round the Sheffield pubs just chatting and laughing - perfect end to the day!

Finally Monday I spent the morning chilling round the house before catching up with a friend, grabbing some coffee and cake (YUM) and then getting on the train back to Aber!

Now shattered but have unpacked and finished sorting my room!

Todays blip is a shot of Sheffield train station!

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