Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

More harpsichord!

Now with our two performance dates looming closer and closer, we are finally adding the instruments that have an important part - just not a lot of it! One of those parts is for harpsichord. Harpsichord is used in our two baroque pieces (the Telemann and the Respighi, who despite not being from the baroque era, was heavily influenced by its style).

I had no idea there was a harpsichord sitting off to the side at the church where we rehearse. It's quite beautiful and very compact. Here is Lynn, our harpsichordist. She explained that the two rows of keys are the identical notes, but the top row has a less strident sound, thus enabling the harpsichord to play with some degree of dynamics that it otherwise could not.

It was fun hearing the harpsichord embellishments this evening. For a moment, I imagined myself in 17th century Austria . . .

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