
By dp

Day 3 - Tokyo

Another lazy morning, Mrs DP today getting brekkie in bed compliments of moi and a quick dash to Excelsior Coffee, one of the local rivals to evil Starbucks.

Eventually surfaced ready for yet another day in the incredible metropolis. Bought our Sumo tickets for a week's time which we're absolutely chuffed about - the concierge writing instructions in Japanese which we then handed to an assistant in the nearby "Family Mart" (general store) where you can book anything and everything. Can't wait.

Metro to Omote-sando for a walk along the Tokyo equivalent of the Champs Elysee / Rodeo Drive - every designer brand under the sun, each one with incredibly designed flagship stores, trying to outdo each other. The Prada building excelled - a tower of glass diamond shapes - had to be seen to be believed. Found Kiddyland, a famous toyshop that had us grinning from ear to ear - a cacophony of noise and colours. All along the road were Tokyo hipsters dressed to the nines - people watching of the highest calibre.

Then into Meiji-jingu shinto shrine (above) for some peace after the aformentioned walk. A very pleasant place to sit for half an hour. From there to Shibuya for more chaos - Tokyo consists of lots of areas, each different from the previous. Shibuya is the place for shops, neon, and seemingly every under-25 year old in the city, with some fantastically whacky fashions adorning them. And the famous "Shibuya Crossing", with people crossing diagonally across the crossing when the lights change, as if Moses pressed the button. Vantage point was aforementioned evil Starbucks - busiest in the world apparently, but the best place to take it all in.

Did some shopping (new headphones after my last ones failed on the flight, and a rare Japan only Ben Folds CD), then dinner in a small Japanese bistro that was in our guide book and one we actually found! It's impossible to find anything here, even with the best directions. On the way we stumbled upon the "Love Hotel" district, with themed rooms (medieval, sci-fi etc rentable by 90 mins, 120 mins, or overnight - ewww.)

Train home after another hectic day. Knackered...

Blipfolio updated with a few more from today. Alas the most taken yet today but the least number of pleasing ones. Ho hum!

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