Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Hummel Collection

This little collection of MI Hummel figurines by Goebel stems from my exchange year.

The only thing my Mom asked me to bring her back from Germany was a Hummel figurine. So in 1987 I bought the little boy with the bird (called "Singing Lesson") for her as a gift. After she died, it came back to me. I later received the girl in prayer ("Abendgebet") as a gift from my host mother in Germany.

Now there is one figurine to represent each of my children. Abendgebet is for my first-born daughter. The next two, with their teddy bears, I added to the collection some time later and they are dated the years my middle children were born: "Mein Kuschelbär" is from 1997 and "Mein Maskottchen" from 1998. Singing Lesson is for my youngest son.

The mug propped in the middle is me. It's titled "Pay Attention" (or "Horch!") :)

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