
Here are three parts of this year's basketball team, on left Beth (senior); right, her sister Emily (freshman); and middle Emma (sophomore). I met with the team today at lunch to introduce myself and my ideas, and told myself I would take their picture there for my blip (there were about 25 of them at the meeting), but in my nervousness and anxiety I plumb forgot. I broke the ice by telling them it was like that awkward first moment on a blind date when no one knew what to say. They cracked up, and it was all good. This shot was taken at an "open gym" shoot around after school.

I looked at these eager and anxious faces at the lunch meeting and I told them I knew they were an intelligent and coachable group. I wasn't blowing smoke either; these girls are sharp!

There is a great deal of this move and this adventure that is VERY trying, I mean very trying. But meeting these kids today helped me see the big picture, and that was helpful.

Oh, and one more thing. It's official: My coaching name...Pops.

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