
By Grimsayer


I wasn't going to put up a photo of a bird today - too many last week. Then I caught this down in Ian's wood.
It is a Crossbill and a specialist feeder on the seeds in pine cones - hence the crossed beak. To be honest it is a bit of a nightmare to catch. There are four species of Crossbill it could be currently, although the way the scientists are going there soon could be many more. To tell the difference you need to take about four measurements of the bill and then do so some sums, I am pleased to say - although disappointed - that this came up as a Common Crossbill on every count so no worries in the end.
Great bird to ring as they are irruptive species, moving out of Scandinavia in varying numbers dependent on food supply. I am not quite sure how this one will manage as, great though Ian's wood is, there are no fir cones in it....
No birds tomorrow - honest.

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