Sue's Eye View

By SuesEyeView

"Monty" the Balinese Manator

I saw my first ever manator on Sunday morning and was hoping to see another before we leave Bali on Monday.

I've made friends here and whilst sitting in the shade reading a book this afternoon (I had way too much sun yesterday!) I heard a shout from the other side of the pool.

"Sue look, there's a manator up the palm tree"

Of course the camera was to hand so I was fortunate enough to get around 10 lovely shots. However, back up in our hotelroom a decision had to be made. Do I blip all of him (he's approx 4ft long) and loose the fantastic detail of his face or even the capture with the palm leaves in the background making for lovely composition.

I hope you approve of my choice in just blipping his face, but I couldn't resist that tongue!!!

Thank you all so very much for your continued support whilst we're away, I really do appreciate it.


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