Kathleen .....

..... aged 82.

I've had an interesting afternoon in Leeds today. I quite often go in to Leeds on a Thursday mainly to get out of Ilkley and have a change of scenery rather than for any practical reasons.

Today I sat in Trinity church for half an hour and enjoyed some wonderful performances by students from the Leeds college of music, had lunch in the Chinese meats place in the Market, had a browse around a few record shops and bought a new pair of trousers and some frit and veg in the Market.

It's been a bright but chilly day and unusually everyone I asked for a photo today said yes ( I normally get at least one person who'd rather not ). I bumped in to Mr Saddique who I photographed a few weeks ago, He thanked me for the photo I left him last week and gave me an interesting newspaper article on his dad's war service ( we exchanged phone numbers as I may be taking some more photos for him ). I also had a chat with Paul and Ray ( the Leeds Teddy boys ) who said I should come along to some of the Teddy boy nights they attend ( they're giving me a list of dated next week ). I love the way photographing strangers can lead to other things.

After I bought my fruit and veg I had bought a cuppa from the market burger van and got chatting to a chap called Rocking Leo, we chatted for about 20 minutes and he told me loads about his past ( very colourful ) and problems he is having with his family at the moment. Leo was asking about my camera and asked if I wanted to photograph him, we were then joined at the table by Kathleen ( blipped ) and Leo said ' Don't be mean, ask her if she want's her photo taking as well.

It's been an interesting day and I've met some lovely people and had a few interesting offers. I thought I'd put every frame taken today on Flickr to give you a proper feel of the people I met ( the full set here in the order taken ), but as this was one of the photos I didn't even have to ask for, today's blip is .....

..... Kathleen aged 82.

More Leeds Market portraits here.

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