Odd Day.

Late yesterday afternoon the shipping company sent through the invoice for landing the Golf, once that's paid it ready for collection. And just to throw a spanner in the works, it has to be collected by Wednesday. No pressure then.

Got them paid and made plans to leave today. However, there is the ongoing saga of my immgration. My wife has prepared most of the stuff and we're on a deadline to get it in the post. If it's not done today, it won't leave till Thursday. So this came first.

This is the documentation to support my status change.

Took longer to sort out, then sorted a bunch of tenants out, extracted rents from people (talk about pulling teeth), put JimBob to the kennel and Mason to a friends house for the night, and then got on the road at 4pm.

But it's not 4pm as we're moving forward in time, so it's really 5pm. And we have 420 miles to cover tonight.....

We made it. Found a hotel near the port at 11pm.

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