Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

Do I, don't I?..........

.....I've been sitting on my hands since yesterday afternoon when this (the book, not the knife!) was delivered from St Amazon (secular patron saint of online shopping bargains)'s a copy of 'S', published just last week.....I should really wait until a second copy is delivered for the firstborn so we can have a ceremonial dual opening......we've decided to read it in tandem.....I WILL be strong!

More about 'S'.....
the official trailer
a look inside, and in 30 seconds you'll see why I just HAD to have it!
a review on The Independent Book Design Blog
Radio Straka, 5 hours of streaming audio in 'radio station' format that was released last week pre-publication.....the musical interludes are anything from wax cylinders to electronic going via ethnic folk, opera and Gracie Fields (for those of a certain age think late-night vintage John Peel and you won't be a million miles off!)......worth a listen even if you're not as intrigued by the book as I am!

PS.....Bugger, the firstborn's copy has just arrived......double temptation....

It appears it's Friday again....have a great weekend when it comes blipmates!!

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