Remember Remember Movember Movember

I managed to talk John and a few of the guys that work with him to do the Movember Challenge. I set up their team page, which is

This is Big Johnny's whiskers after the first week. Well done to all the lads who have taken part......some of them have hidden away!! lol

I have had a bit of a dilemma this evening.......the Lovely Lyds is going to the Scottish Style Awards tomorrow evening. Her friend is poorly and unable to go and she offered me the ticket!!! Which was a lovely gesture however I had already arranged with my friend, Katy, that my Big Johnny and the kids would go round there for the evening!! We had already let Katy down a couple of weeks ago when a guy that John worked alongside for a while died suddenly. We re-arrange this night for tomorrow.

I have decided to pass up the offer but now feel guilty for letting Lydia down!!! OMG I am such a woos sometimes.....would have loved to have done both but I can't split myself in 2 and my kids would have been gutted if I cancelled on them too!

Katy we will still be there and Lydia sorry but if you can wait a year I will go with you then!!

Have a great weekend everyone.


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