
By Ilaria

Borrowdale/Derwentwater from Friars Crag....

....a lovely day today!! Still a bit overcast, but less rain, and lots of photos!! :-))

This is looking up Derwentwater towards Borrowdale....from my favourate bench in the Lakes!! The fact that millions of others love it too means being patient if you ever want to actually SIT on said bench!!!! LOL!!! Did manage though!!! ;-)))

Walking back through the park, a little Robin watched and followed me as I took lots of shots of plants/flowers!! SOOO tame...was an inch from my foot gazing up at me at one point!! I had my bridge camera today...and it was actually too CLOSE to photo!!!! But I got THIS capture that I was delighted with!! SOOO love Robins!! :-))))

Also backblipped THIS shot from July...sitting in the camera since then!!! Oops!! :-)))

Night all.....will catch up on journals tomorrow! Was out all day...then at the Christmas market and Keswick lights on tonight!!! Need my bed now!!! :-)))

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