
By mollyblobs

Incey wincey...

It was a glorious morning, crisp and dewy, but various things sidetracked me from my usual dog-walk. I was actually progressing rather well with my current report and felt it would be foolish to go out while my words were in full flow. Eventually the beautiful light tempted me out into the garden for a few moments, where I found this very tiny money spider on the late flowers of sweet alison. This is a plant that I associate with summer bedding schemes in my childhood, but this year I scattered seed in a very casual way, and it has rewarded me with a splendid show of autumn flowers, providing a valuable nectar source for late insects.

By the time Alex returned from his driving lesson the clouds had gathered, and not long after it started to rain, and continued to do so for the rest of the afternoon. Alex, Ben and I braved the rain and headed into town, mostly to visit our local Chinese supermarket, which has the best range of eastern foodstuffs. We needed lemon grass, coconut milk and one or two other ingredients for our evening meal - a Thai fish curry with mango served with sticky black rice - all cooked by Pete. Delicious!

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