
By Alberta

What a day!

Phew! Icy start to the morning and the house felt cold - the heating was still not working. I decided to go into Windsor and not only were the cars frozen over but my car battery was completely dead. Anyway thank goodness our old car was OK so I took that. I took a key to get copies cut, called into Vodafone to get a dongle I can use internationally. Then into T- mobile to attempt to sort out the problems I've been having with overseas travel boosters on my iPad. After a few problems in the car park I got home to realise I'd forgotten to go back for the keys and there was no SIM card to go with the dongle!! Aargh! Called AA home start to come and sort out the car and it turns out that something (who knows what?!) is draining the battery and the battery is not charging so new battery! Then I realised I had forgotten to be by the phone for someone who had arranged to call me. However in the midst of all that I managed to buy two great sweaters for Ramesh and Tulsi for when they visit us in the UK (they never have warm enough clothes!). (Oh and I had forgotten to take my umbrella so got soaked) so now I'm waiting for the heating engineer and I'm going to have a glass of red wine!

After my day of fasting yesterday I really didn't feel hungry at all this morning.

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