50th Annual Veterans Day Parade & Day of Honor

Today is chilly, windy & overcast, so it took me awhile to talk my husband into going downtown today for the parade! He hates heavy traffic, crowds, and having to find parking...I have to admit that I'm in agreement, but I also think it's important to support our veterans! The parade lasted for an hour and a half, & was so moving! There were multiple Medal of Honor receipients, vets from all branches of the service, & even a small submarine surrounded by those who have served on them (or should I say IN them). There were bands, which I always enjoy, & even scottish pipers--my favorite! I was amazed at how many people turned out to watch the parade--the main streets were packed with people! My husband perked up quite a bit when during the parade, 3 P51 Mustangs & a Japanese Zero flew around overhead! He loves the planes! It just made me sad that there is even a need for a veterans parade.....that after all the years people have been on earth, we still can't manage to come up with peaceful solutions to our problems.

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