
By WharfedaleBex

7/8 of Polly the Graham (Back Blip 5)

Lovely sunrise this morning but I was too cosy to get out from under the duvet in time to capture the best part!

Meandered through the remote single-track lanes of Scotland from Rhue to a tiny place called Drumbeg today. The wilderness gets ever-more impressive.

Setting off, it began to rain quite wildly but as we approached a Graham called Stac Pollaidh (pronounced Stack Polly), the clouds miraculously began to lift. Rich was reading the guide book at the time, questioning whether he should go up it, so we read blue sky as a sign!

I intended to do a circuit of the hill with my toe in bits but actually managed most of it - very pleased!

It's my birthday today & Rich, pooch & I have had a really special day. Not only that but it's the first proper exercise I've done for 6 weeks. Toes crossed, it's on the mend!

What's my Blip today? Maybe the van on fire in the dawn light. Possibly 'Polly the Graham' in blue sky or could be the surrounding hills with the weather closing in.

Time will tell.

(Actually, none of the above - this is a view from half way up Stac Pollaidh before the weather closed in!)

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