
By teb

Free speech

A little over one third of the world lives under the prohibition of free speech. While I may not agree with the protests I encounter or the opinions in the "news", etc, I am grateful for the right to express ideas, raise awareness, peacefully, without being concerned for your personal safety or the safety of your loved ones. (It has it's challenges ...for anyone interested google Westboro Baptist Church -USA in Kansas I think- for example...their vicious tactics that I consider words that could incite rioting and bloodshed, were recently protected under our Constitution. That's understandable. I am pleased to say there have been no riots of which I am aware, and in fact these Westboro " Christians" are often met by bands of human "angels" who gather together in peace and loving kindness to surround and protect the victims of the Westboro protestors, victims who are often grieving families....but I digress...)
I am grateful for free speech.

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