
By Sydney

I think this park is somewhat unique. Not by way of the amenities it offers, which include the typical playgrounds, walking paths and soccer fields frequently available in city parks, but in what it hides from our view. We call it The Lid because it covers the portion of Interstate 90 that charges across one end of the small island that I live on. I looked it up on Wikipedia to see how large it is and discovered that the lid is only a half-mile of concrete and steel, it seems larger somehow.

The landscaping is primarily comprised of indigenous plantings and towering Sequoias and cedars, which are home to pairs of bald eagles as it lies under the Pacific Flyway. Vast expanses of water consuming grass are used for soccer practice and games and I trod the sidelines many a windy late dark afternoon cheering on my Rosie. It is a beautiful, though not really inspiring, place to walk or picnic.

Interstate 90 crosses the United States. It begins in Boston, Massachusetts and ends in Seattle (or the other way around if you live here and have a big ego) and provides our only access to and egress from our island. Currently, we are locked in debate with the State of WA who wants to place a toll on both bridges. This isn't sitting too well with the residents considering the fact that we have no alternative way to leave and return other than by seaplane or boat. I am thinking of alternative methods of transportation such as a really large pigeon to carry me over the sea to the (not very) far shores.

My memories of this park I hold dear. Many are the New Year's Eves that my daughters and I have watched fireworks erupt from Seattle to shiver sparkles at midnight over the lake. We would huddle together, chilly, in our pajamas pointing up at the glittering sky awaiting the magical moment to burst forth with a chorus of "Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit!" and bring luck to the New Year. Then piling back in the car, cold toes and noses, to home again for hot chocolate and marshmallows and bed with sticky fingers made fuzzy from flannel sheets.

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