
By scribbler

Jackie in my journals

Journal paintings made in Jackie Kirk watercolor portrait classes, 1990 and 1992. My portraits of Jackie are on the far left and the far right. [SOOC, cropped]

STRONG is today's DDW challenge topic.

Jackie has been a strong teacher, a strong role model as an artist, and a strong woman. She has a great sense of humor about life. "Paint me ugly!" she ordered as she posed for her class, which was her way of urging her students to be honest in their work. She fulfilled her vocation as an artist with determination and joy. She also loved people, including those she painted for her Legion of Honor exhibit who were facing death. Some of them didn't live long enough to see the show. In her book "Witness" she wrote:

"Had I known at the beginning how difficult, how very painful, it would be to paint these portraits, to meet these people and come to know them in this deep way, I never would have begun. Fortunately, we have an innocence about some of our most momentous decisions."

Jackie has been ill for many years; she is old now and virtually housebound, but she still makes art. She never let anything at all get in the way of that. From other teachers I have gained valuable insight into techniques in various media, but Jackie showed me how to be an artist. I continue to admire her strength and try to emulate it in my own creative work.


NaNoWriMo report: Yesterday I simply had to take a day off, but today I eked out another thousand words. I have learned, in painting and in writing, not to judge what comes forth too hastily. What may seem discouraging today will reveal its value in coming weeks and months.

I'm really grateful for the blippers who are hanging in there with me and continuing to visit and send positive thoughts my way. May you be well! May you be strong! May you be happy!

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