
By woofcity

Dusty Storm

Storm had another session chewing the cardboard box. One side has gone and the second side about half gone. The floor is covered. Again. They had fun so worthwhile. Storm had dusty cardboard bits all over his face.

Better weather today so off to the beach after a week of not going due to the toxic sludge warning. No sign of anything now. A reasonable amount of sand and some rockpools to investigate. Met plenty of other dogs including... one who made ours look big!!! It was a chi x jack with the skinniest legs I've ever seen on a dog.

Out of the wind it was warm enough to partake of chilli sat outside the seafront cafe. They sell cold sausages for dogs which passed the time until our food was ready. The puppies loved the sausages!

A visit to the pet shop to buy a stronger retracting lead to counter balance the weight of the couple. I hope it works and stops the drag factor. Home in time for the puppies afternoon snooze :)

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