Must be winter

4years 20days

Late afternoon today, we headed out to get tea. Katie decided she was wearing her snowsuit. It must be winter. I admit, I was rather pleased. I love that she has clothes with ears again!

Most of today has been an at home day. Friends came round this morning - they were having some photos done but also came for a catch up and a play with Katie. We'd been looking forward to seeing them and chatting about our recent Australia trip as their mum is a kiwi and they've made quite a few trips there.

This afternoon she's played as I had some more work on. An old primary school friend recently bought a voucher for one of her friends to come for a newborn session. This lady came today. It turned out she was someone I knew while at secondary school, I just hadnt recognised her married name!

Once we were finished for the day, we went to get a take away for tea and are currently watching the Muppets while snuggled in jammies

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