Alice in Blipland

By Alicemaylara


I haven't blipped frequently for a while now. I am not completely sure why but I think its because to blip you have to think, analyse and bring to conclusion a day in the life of yourself. I haven't wanted to do that for quite some time.

I've been at my new job more than six months now. When I first moved everyone told me to 'Give it a go', and that 'You'll get used to it'.......Its hard to explain my feelings towards this...but basically does it make sense if I just say. I'm a polar bear, and the job is a microwave.....?

I don't want to dwell too much on this on blip because I do that 99% of the rest of the time so I'll tell you a tale of Mr B.

We were out and about above Malham Tarn about two weeks ago when I fell over and Mr B got loose, lead still attached. It was getting dark at this point, about 5pm. Of course I had my headtorch but faced with a cow/sheep/rabbit mad dog loose on a cow/sheep/rabbit infested moorland I was losing the battle to get him back, or even to catch sight of him. After an hour of looking, shouting and...maybe a bit of a cry....I headed home. Four miles, back home, dogless, or as I saw it limbless.

I 'tweeted' about Mr B's disappearance and to my amazement many people picked up on it. A lovely lady in the village even DM'd me with the contact details of the ranger up at the tarn.

I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was Mr B cowering under a bush somewhere shivering and wondering why his mum had left him.

I drifted off about midnight but woke at 3.30am for no obviously reason. 4am...and, whats that? A shake of a coat, a small wining cry....BARNEY!!!

Amazingly he had made his way back from the Tarn, about three miles with fences and cattle grids along the way. He stank, and had cut his paws but he was home!! He went straight to bed and didnt even touch his food (this is a first for the dry cup 'a' soup eating dog)

Changing the subject completely, my blip is of Leighton Moss. AutumnWatch have been filming there so we decided to take a look.....its a shame everyone else had the same idea – safe to say we stayed about 30mins before escaping to the quieter coastal areas.

Winter is drawing closer now and like last year I have no heating. But its OK. I have taken the governments ingenius advice and bought a jumper....

And Thats Todays One Through The Looking Glass (for a while perhaps?)

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