Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Lest we forget

Woke up this morning late after staying put late last night to watch some TV after getting back from the pub.

Got up and tidied the house and managed to hang the bike from the wall instead of having them on the landing. Not sure if it helps that much.

Went up town to take some photos of the crosses and poppies for Remembrance Day. I was also looking for a photo for the weeks blip challenge on Relax. Took a few photos for the remembrance garden including some of the benches at the far end, which have a view of the crosses with the idea of having them as relax.
Came home and made the Christmas cake. Currently in the oven for the next 3 hours cooking. Had enough mixture left over to make some smaller cakes and another small loaf tin of Christmas cake.

Looking at the photos I had taken earlier I found this one in the pile and the expression on the ladies face and her concentration on the crosses just struck me. As a result I don't have a photo for the challenge this week but thought this was a better way to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for us.

Not sure but there might be a way to shoehorn this into the challenge on the grounds that we can now relax in our lives as a result of their loss?

Lots more blips to catch up with next week.

Finally a thank-you to all of those who left messages for my blip birthday. Sorry not to have gotten back to you sooner but things have been hectic. No excuse I know.

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