
By Cailleach

More's the Pythia....

From the moment the shower screen fell on me this morning, I knew it was going to be A Bad Day.

Regular readers will know that the screen launches itself at me regularly. There is no apparent explanation for how it manages to loosen its hinges, but it does - and this event always heralds the advent of A Day That Is Not Good! It's a bit like a modern version of the Oracle at Delphi, only my bathroom is more of a shrine to Estée Lauder than Apollo....

Without boring you into a trance with the details, I have.... spilt an entire mug of hot chocolate down my bra (don't ask)....trimmed too much off my fringe (and now resemble Joan of Arc on a bad hair day)....been robbed at work (three hideous gift sets, so I'm not too traumatised).....and accidentally set fire to a tenor, oops tenner.

I'm now having an emergency Malteser.....hope it doesn't choke me.

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