Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox


Brown Browner Brownest!!!!

Why is it fan ovens almost never deliver the even, evener, evenest baking they purport to in their literature! My amazingly aromatic "soon to be croutons" were in obvious distress when I opened the door to salvage check on their progress. The proof of the pudding is in the eating though and when the product was tested....they were definitely more, morer, morish!!! tomorrow its soup for supper!! If I get the colour right (like carrot) these may not appear brown, browner, brownest but the great, greater, greatest I've ever made!!

Handover day at school went very well...but I have been asked to continue till Tuesday in order to help with preparations for the Inspection! There is a lot of admin needed and the goalposts change daily! Teacher morale is low and stress levels high, which make for interesting days ahead. Encouraging and persuading them to press on recalling the inspiring motto at my very first teaching post in a small village school

Good Better Best
Never let it rest
'Till your Good is Better
And your Better Best!

And when you've done your best....that's all that matters.

(I guess my oven did!)

Happy Blipping Everyone

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