Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Bridge over troubles waters

It was a crazy weather day! Heavy rain, then bright sunshine, then a hammering hail storm, an incredible sunset, then more rain. Bizarre. During a lull in the precipitation I walked out to the middle of the Mendener Bridge and shot this image with the Mintarder Bridge in the distance.

Sadly, the quality of my picture is too poor for you to see the strata of rain and sun painted on the horizon. It was a spectacular live view.

Most of the day was fairly relaxing. I needed a break from all the work. Completed a few chores and taxied a child around town, but also read several chapters of a novel before hubby and daughter returned from their trip and we sat down to family dinner. Unfortunately it seems four of the six of us aren't feeling well - cold season is curling its gnarly fist around us. Time to crank up the vitamins and keep the herbal tea flowing.

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