
By janetstill5


Pumpkin has been on a great adventure and worried his mummy and daddy a LOT! We dont let him out at night time but last night he decided he needed a bit more excitment in his life. Aparently building furniture was just the beginning of his fun filled day. Yesterday evening he managed to get out the front door at about half 8 and he didnt come home until half 3 in the morning. Naughty boy. Laurie and I were really worried about him. Some fireworks had gone off just after he went out and despite many walks round our estate we couldnt find him anywhere.
At half 3 this morning I couldnt get any more sleep so came downstairs to watch tv. Louie was fast asleep on the sofa but when he woke up he wanted to go out in the garden. As I opened the door Pumpkin came sauntering in! Louie proceeded to run round the garden like a crazed loonatic with his squeaky burger. I couldnt get him in for ages despite the fact that it was incredibly cold. The daft dog even led on the frozen grass for a while chewing his burger!
Pumpkin has had a very lazy day today to recover from his adventure and is currently sleeping on Alex's bed. We are very happy to have him home and Im looking forward to a proper nights sleep tonight.

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