Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Another trip to The Kelpies

Up and got Callum off to the Remembrance service and then hunted and gathered lunch… at Asda.

The Instography family pitched up at lunch time and after we all headed down to The Helix for a wander. Quite a few cameras on show looking for that special angle on the Kelpies. Question…. who needs a tripod on a day like this? had to scratch the heid at that.

Weans did what weans do and we retired back to Chez Moff for tea. Had a wee sample of Instos 80/ and IPA. In their infancy but the hop malt balance seemed fine, we'll see what the coming months will bring. Anyway I sent him of with a dozen or so beer bottles, I'll be expecting to see a couple of them back.

Decided to dial the in camera setting to Velvia…. kin' mental colours…

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