occhi verdi

By occhiverdi

mother %&*^$#

...were the words I said when I saw what I had done at lunch today.

"This is why we don't have nice things."

Mmm.. all week I've been saying to myself, "I'm so clumsy lately, I'm going to break something." And here it is. My favorite lens. Shattered. The NC filter broken all over my 35mm lens. This hurts me a lot to look at.

But this is why I have an entire insurance policy for my camera gear. So.. thank you, USAA. Thank you for taking my money every month and giving me a new lens because my clumsy self doesn't use a camera case when I take my camera to campus and beyond with me.

I wanted to take a photo of Toni and her blue eyes at the Modern at lunch today! Ahh. Dashed.

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