
Thanks everyone for comments yesterday. Enjoyed the 'Chaos' debate a few days ago about blip, criticism and comments, and duly removed the rating bar from my blip entries after suggesting to him he may want do the same if he finds it an issue. What happens? Everyone loves my picture yesterday and many give me 5/5 in word form! Haha :-)

I've always put more value on comments anyway, both good and bad, and whether they talk about the picture or the actual words written, which may of course have nothing to do with the picture. It's both a daily photo journal and a diary almost, so ratings are at the back of my mind. Made me smile though... all part of the fun!

Dinner tonight at 'Souk', a middle eastern restaurant at the Taj Mahal hotel - pricey by local standards, given that it's the top hotel here, but beautiful inside, with subtle candle lighting, and delicious food such as mezze for starters, and for main a lamb shank in carmelised onions - yum.

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