Crash, Bang, Wallop

Just settling into bed last night and I heard an almighty crash coming from downstairs.

Venturing into the kitchen, the entire floor was covered with bits of broken crockery.

It appears that the clock above the range has fallen off its hook (hook still in place so no idea how its happened), hit the shelf above the range and knocked off a bowl.

Both bowl and clock hitting range and floor shattered into lots of little pieces.

The bowl in question was the food bowl of our previous dog, Tooty. The only thing we had left of her. Its a bit sad that of all the other things on the shelf that remained intact it was Tooty's bowl that smashed.

Before going to bed I had to dustpan and brush the floor and then hoover all the bits up. Jasper slept through all the commotion.

Looking for a blip tonight I spotted the bag of broken bits waiting to go into the bin.

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