Convention - Setting Up

Back blipped 13th November

Today has been massive - cars x 2 loaded and on the road very early bound for Tekapo.  Stopping at Fairlie to attach a Portaloo to the car. (needed for our field trip on Saturday).

Everyone had their own tasks and went about them with great enthusiasm, huge job but made pretty good progress.  The tent for the Salon exhibition proved to be troublesome, but got there in the end.  Here are the hard working husbands, Doug, Rob and helper trying to get this cabbage tree into place.  Our theme is That's Country and we've gone all out to make the hall and entrance to fit the theme - result!!

We all headed for the pub for dinner and refreshments then as darkness fall we set up camera on a special tripod that took four camera's and went about photographing the night sky.  Small success but a lot of fun learning about the sky from three very well informed astro photographers.

Tomorrow the Convention begins - I'm too tired to be anxious!


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