Holding claws

For around ten years we have enjoyed having a family of magpies in the large gum tree at the bottom of our garden. The two oldest adults have remained the same. We know this from hand feeding them and recognising marks and scars etc on the individual birds. You have seen them in our previous blips.

Today all 4 in the family flew down to the bird feeder tree to preen and sing. In my blip, the baby is pictured top left with the father, holding claws. I took a series of photos of the group, and the next 5 best shots are in my blip folio, click here to start and then click to the side.

Bigger claws

In the magpie family group shots, the two females are on the lower branch, preening and then warbling, and father and son are at the top of the tree. They stayed for around 10 minutes, enabling me to shoot lots of images. What a wonderful treat it was to experience 4 magpies up close, and for so long.

The last time I posted a series of bird photos shot in one session was the Lorikeet Lovin' Series here.

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