"The Mark In The Sand" ...

...Down at the sandbar today - not far away, just around the corner really..

...We noticed the Murray river was down today, and showing its famous sandbar, well known among the locals, and visitors from far away..they call it a riverbeach and that it is really, but when the river is up - well, it's naturally under water right here..

...And today, as there was plenty of sand visible - I made good use with my little message with a Mark In The Sand...

... Yes, 365 blips - how did I manage that? Well, I managed it with John's help and he doesn't mind tracking around the countryside at times, we often do anyway, and it's good to get out and about isn't it if we can, and mostly here, we have good weather to do just that..(I probably should be in Tourism I guess!!) but those who live here know what I'm talking about..

...Sometimes it's difficult to keep up but I try to, as we do but we can mostly find something to blip can't we, yes, we can mostly find something to blip..

...And oh yes, there goes the old P.S. Melbourne on this bright and sunny day - not too many on board though is there, she's heading up around the bend a little to her turning point, and then she'll turn around and come back again, past where this was taken, past the Old Homestead, into the Lock, and back to the Landing wharf where the passengers will disembark and she'll stand waiting for more..

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