
The Daryl Braithwaite concert at the Leagues club last night was great. The hangover this morning was not so great. Just for a change, Jo was worse than me. It is very rare for her to over indulge. Well, we both did last night, big time. The tickets we got were right at the front so we both ended up dancing. I haven't had so much fun in a while.

I managed to crawl out of bed at just before midday. Jo had gone off to work in the morning for an hour to sort something out. She got home around 8am, climbed back into bed and has spent quite a bit of the day there. She has confessed to me that she slept in her clothes last night. I remember taking Jassy for a walk around midnight. Maybe I should say that Jassy walked me because it was a very staggery affair.

Whe I finally got up I managed to get some things done so my Saturday isn't a complete write off.

Anyway, Disprin has been my saviour today. It is now late afternoon and time for a Hair of the Dog.

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