
By Dotty

Lovember: Mr Pitt

I love this old boy. I thought I didn't really love him and that he was just a part of the furniture. I was wrong. And that all the reasons I found him really quite unloveable are actually the reasons I love him.

I love the fact he is old, dandruffy, scabby and dribbly. I love that he is demanding and shouts at me when he wants feeding and drags my hand to his body when he wants a stroke. I love that he wakes me up in the middle of the night by pulling my hair. I love that he demands to be fed then walks away after one mouthful, lets Betty have the rest and then shouts for more. I love that he is a complete scaredy cat and is practically invisible to the rest of the world. I love that he chooses to be exclusively my cat.

I love that he's still here, despite me thinking every month for the last year that this will probably be his last.

(I really truly DON'T love that he finds ever more secret places in which to puke up the dried food which isn't his, he can't chew and he can't digest...)

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