
By Yeda

Talk about parking issues...

A friend and I left our children in the capable hands of our sweethearts and bee-lined it over to IKEA. It's a rather long drive, but our bi-annual pilgrimage is always worth it. It's just so funny to walk through the doors; we both start giggling and experience a rush of excitement. Our eyes widen and a fixed grin appears as we leisurely stroll through every aisle, inspecting every item, assessing it's compatibility within our own homes. Kids in a candy store, sort of speak.

We will stay right up to closing.

Of course we had to get a cup of IKEA's exclusive Linden-berry drink to keep us hydrated through out the rigorous course. We did plan to eat at the cafeteria, but realized time was of the essence, so decided to axe that idea. Dinner can be eaten anytime!

We knew we would buy something, but by the time we walked up to check out, we decided to purge what we truly didn't need. I should have blipped the trail of items streaming behind us! We made a bet to see who could spend less & I lost by $16, but I was proud of my frugality and was still able to bring home some great accessories for my newly painted kitchen and living room.

I had such a fun time with my friend. We talked non-stop and laughed so hard. I think part of our gaiety was the fact we were kid-free and care free for a few hours at the end of a very busy week.

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