Grand Union Canal junction

Early morning stop after yesterdays abject failure to get any image, never mind a decent one despite the fabulous light.

I was expecting cloud this morning so the sun was a welcome surprise. A quick stop on the way in and a five minute walk. I was hoping for a little nice light. It wasn't quite in the right position so this is an HDR (held held…I know, shouldn't be done, but there you go) of there images, then a tweak in PS and sharpen. Hopefully it still looks natural.

The rest of the day went by with increasing stress at being taken off one job to do another important one, then being taken off that to do something even more important one ….

Yesterday was spent manually doing something that used to take just one minute, but, for various reasons that I won't explain, now takes five or more hours.

Tomorrow has to be better - First stop is the dentist to have the remaining part of a broken tooth sorted for a crown. That sounds less painful…. :-(

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