Life as it happens:)

By Bushbaby76


Attachment parenting hss been in the press alot lately what with Peaches Geldof announcing its the way she parents. ..and the vile person that is Katie Hopkins!! (shudders)
I don't like that parenting choices are labelled or that people can condemn others for their choices. ...I parent in the way I parent because it works for us...I have a 16 yr old and was the same with him when he was small but of course without the Attachment Parent label x
He is of course fit...healthy. ..clever...confident and loving...who's to say he wouldn't of been this way anyway x
I Co sleep. ..I breastfeed. ..extended breastfeeding at that. ...I have 'worn' my baby....I'm not weird...I'm not far children are balanced and not brat like x
Each to their own I say x
I love waking up to my baby Jay and his smile x wouldn't you?

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