Vie's journal

By Vie

Furiously scribbing

Conference day! I missed my damn train. Got the next one and found Amber before it started though so all good. Notes about the conference:

1) it's ironic that a day discussing student experience only has 4 students there.
2) Lots of assumptions are made about students without actually talking to them
3) Imperial does great catering
4) I love when conferences get people to doodle the conference, this time it was done by Creative Connection
5) I need to stop going to these things as I always find someone to joke about with in the corner
6) that person is on blip! Lawrie and I decided to geek out about cameras for a bit instead of lecture capture.

Got back about 7.30, made dinner, and fell asleep on the sofa. I should have been at Photosoc social because I'm useless and haven't been in an age.

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