Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


First if all thanks to those who are looking at these- sorry about yesterday picture which somehow managed to loose the text- then I wrote it again and lost it so what you have now is a shorter version. Grr. But it's something.

Anyway, contrast to Dubai. Today we drove from Entebbe to murchison park in the north. Almost 11 hours! Either huge traffic snarls on the outskirts of Kampala ( thank goodness we didn't go in the city - the tour co. decided it was best to skip it) or dirt roads. Like major dirt roads. On the way we stopped to see the only rhinos in Uganda, the last one was poached and killed in1983. It is a fenced in sanctuary where they are trying to reproduce the species and then reintroduce them to the parks. Still they are wild animals and we were close - very cool.!! This is 4 yo Obama - named because his mother was a gift from the USA and his father from Kenya. ! They have 13 (since 2006 I think). We saw 5. And we didn't have to climb a tree ( we were told if they charged to at least hide behind a tree since none of looked able to climb one ). But no worries.

All I can do. Can't even manage to crop thus a bit to make a better pix. Keeps going back to the original out of the camera. Tomorrow the first game drive . We are here 3 nights so that's great-and the Internet works in the lobby. :-). So now - for a good night 'a sleep I hope.

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