Possible rain late in the day.

That’s what the old sheep (wether) repost said but I didn’t really care as The Boss had picked me up at THC (Tussocks Holiday Camp) and we were heading home past Lake Dunstan.
We had already had a photo stop when he got me out and had me pose on top of a picnic table with this sky in the background but further up the road these trees presented themselves and I was discarded. Just like that…Replaced by a bunch of trees…I shall seek revenge and The trees will pay for this. Mark (opps bad word choice there) my words.

We had a friend with us, N, who was surprised when The Boss arrived at THC to find dogs wandering everywhere but The Boss pointed out that they were not boarders (well they were Golden retrievers and other breeds) Errr…no not that sort of border but the other sort that boards. Anyway he pointed out that they belonged to the owners and were probably staff.

It hasn’t rained and is still lovely and mild out but after a week at THC I confess that I am a bit tired so comments may be thin tonite…Sorry.

Between 7 trees
From the song of a similar name?

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