A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

On a reccy

Two days before my Dad got married to Ann....My brother (yes - thats him - it isn't some weird gargoyle) and his lovely wife, Faye, came to stay with us for the weekend, and we went to Crewe to do a reccy on the venue, as we were going to be taking the wedding photos and both of us were, I think, a tad nervous and wanted to get it absolutely right for them both.

What every child wants to hear is their dad say "here you go kids - here's all of my super expensive camera gear - 3 cameras, lenses, batterys, filters, the works....go and have a play"

Except in this case, the children were 33 and 29 (Chris hadn't even hit 30 at that point - so depressing) - and even so, these children KNEW they had to be very careful with Daddy's gear, because even at that age, they wouldn't want to have to explain anything that went wrong, or pay for any damage.

Fortunately, it all turned out right in the end! (apart from this test image obviously!!!!! So bro - again!)

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